Zapraszamy na zdalne Seminarium Mercuriale w Instytucie Filologii Klasycznej UW, które odbędzie się w środę 24 kwietnia o godz. 18.30 za pośrednictwem Google Meet, link
Dr Michiel Meeusen (stypendysta NAWA w Wydziale Historii UW)
wygłosi referat pt.
Imperial Constructions of Health: the Patient Perspective.
As a branch of ‘technical’ learning, medicine was held in high regard by the educated elite in the High Imperial era (ca. 1st–2nd c. CE), a pivotal period in political and medical history. Confronted with the sheer reality of illness, medical uncertainty, and the prominence of the medical art in the public sphere, numerous eminent members of learned society, including philosophers, sophists, politicians, even emperors, wrote extensively about medicine and health related topics, to the extent that some scholar contemptuously speak of an ‘Age of Hypochondria’. The time is right for a revaluation of this cultural phenomenon based on a more sensitive and contextual reading of the available sources. In this talk we will explore, in some depth, the patient perspective in this era with an emphasis on the Asclepius cult as well as Stoic approaches to health, illness, and the expectation of death. Whereas in my previous talk ('The Pedantic Patient: Medical Culture in Gellius' Attic Nights', delivered at the seminar of the Department of Ancient History, Faculty of History, University of Warsaw), we looked at more cognitive and intellectual aspects of the interaction between medicine and lay culture, this talk will shift attention to patient experiences and emotions, in the hope of, thus, offering a more or less rounded approach to this phenomenon.
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