
Seminarium Mercuriale 22 II


Zapraszamy na kolejne zdalne spotkanie w ramach Seminarium Mercuriale w Instytucie Filologii Klasycznej UW, które odbędzie się w środę 22 lutego o godz. 18.30 za pośrednictwem Google Meet, link https://meet.google.com/rqm-hxuk-soi.
Viola Palmieri (Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen)
wygłosi referat pt.
Augeas in [Theocritus’] Id. 25: An Example of a Good (‘Ptolemaic'?) King?
My paper will focus on the character of Augeas in [Theocritus'] Herakles leontophonos. After a brief summary of the content of Id. 25 and its mythological narrative, I will delve deeper into [Theocritus'] characterization of Augeas. According to my interpretation, the words dedicated to the king evoke both Hesiod's depiction and conceptualization of "good king" (Th. 81-93 W. and Op. 225-237 W.) and the Hellenistic poets' reworking of this idea for Ptolemaic propaganda. This representation results particularly striking because according to the known version of the myth, Augeas behaves unfairly towards Heracles, refusing to grant him the promised prize for cleaning his stables. [Theocritus'] choice to offer a positive image of Augeas will be thus motivated in the light of the pastoral depiction of his estate where Heracles, as a traditional epic hero, appears misplaced. In conclusion, I will highlight some genre-related implications of this choice.
Zachęcamy do przeczytania przed seminarium przypisywanej Teokrytowi Idylli 25.
Gorąco zapraszamy wszystkich zainteresowanych!
Mikołaj Szymański
Jan Kwapisz