Zapraszamy na przedostatnie przed wakacjami zdalne Seminarium Mercuriale w Instytucie Filologii Klasycznej UW, które odbędzie się w środę 12 czerwca o godz. 18.30 za pośrednictwem Google Meet, link
Dr Peter Sjökvist (Uniwersytet w Uppsali)
wygłosi referat pt.
The Carmina Suecorum Poetarum Latina of Samuel Älf: A Current Project.
The scholar and poet Samuel Älf (1727–1799) in the eighteenth century had great plans to edit and publish a Deliciae Suecorum poetarum, following the tradition established by Jan Gruter (1560–1627) at the beginning of the seventeenth century. In my talk I will discuss the collecting activities and plans of Älf, his attempts to start publishing, as well as his decision to donate the collected material to the Diocese Library of Linköping, where it is still kept until this day. A current project aims at giving digital access to this collection, which is so important for researchers of Neo-Latin poetry.