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Code Editor : ctools_export_ui.class.php
<?php /** * Base class for export UI. */ class ctools_export_ui { var $plugin; var $name; var $options = array(); /** * Fake constructor -- this is easier to deal with than the real * constructor because we are retaining PHP4 compatibility, which * would require all child classes to implement their own constructor. */ function init($plugin) { ctools_include('export'); $this->plugin = $plugin; } /** * Get a page title for the current page from our plugin strings. */ function get_page_title($op, $item = NULL) { if (empty($this->plugin['strings']['title'][$op])) { return; } // Replace %title that might be there with the exportable title. $title = $this->plugin['strings']['title'][$op]; if (!empty($item)) { $export_key = $this->plugin['export']['key']; $title = (str_replace('%title', check_plain($item->{$export_key}), $title)); } return $title; } /** * Called by ctools_export_ui_load to load the item. * * This can be overridden for modules that want to be able to export * items currently being edited, for example. */ function load_item($item_name) { $item = ctools_export_crud_load($this->plugin['schema'], $item_name); return empty($item) ? FALSE : $item; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Menu item manipulation /** * hook_menu() entry point. * * Child implementations that need to add or modify menu items should * probably call parent::hook_menu($items) and then modify as needed. */ function hook_menu(&$items) { // During upgrades, the schema can be empty as this is called prior to // actual update functions being run. Ensure that we can cope with this // situation. if (empty($this->plugin['schema'])) { return; } $prefix = ctools_export_ui_plugin_base_path($this->plugin); if (isset($this->plugin['menu']['items']) && is_array($this->plugin['menu']['items'])) { $my_items = array(); foreach ($this->plugin['menu']['items'] as $item) { // Add menu item defaults. $item += array( 'file' => '', 'file path' => drupal_get_path('module', 'ctools') . '/includes', ); $path = !empty($item['path']) ? $prefix . '/' . $item['path'] : $prefix; unset($item['path']); $my_items[$path] = $item; } $items += $my_items; } } /** * Menu callback to determine if an operation is accessible. * * This function enforces a basic access check on the configured perm * string, and then additional checks as needed. * * @param $op * The 'op' of the menu item, which is defined by 'allowed operations' * and embedded into the arguments in the menu item. * @param $item * If an op that works on an item, then the item object, otherwise NULL. * * @return * TRUE if the current user has access, FALSE if not. */ function access($op, $item) { if (!user_access($this->plugin['access'])) { return FALSE; } // More fine-grained access control: if ($op == 'add' && !user_access($this->plugin['create access'])) { return FALSE; } // More fine-grained access control: if (($op == 'revert' || $op == 'delete') && !user_access($this->plugin['delete access'])) { return FALSE; } // If we need to do a token test, do it here. if (!empty($this->plugin['allowed operations'][$op]['token']) && (!isset($_GET['token']) || !drupal_valid_token($_GET['token'], $op))) { return FALSE; } switch ($op) { case 'import': return user_access('use ctools import'); case 'revert': return ($item->export_type & EXPORT_IN_DATABASE) && ($item->export_type & EXPORT_IN_CODE); case 'delete': return ($item->export_type & EXPORT_IN_DATABASE) && !($item->export_type & EXPORT_IN_CODE); case 'disable': return empty($item->disabled); case 'enable': return !empty($item->disabled); default: return TRUE; } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // These methods are the API for generating the list of exportable items. /** * Master entry point for handling a list. * * It is unlikely that a child object will need to override this method, * unless the listing mechanism is going to be highly specialized. */ function list_page($js, $input) { $this->items = ctools_export_crud_load_all($this->plugin['schema'], $js); // Respond to a reset command by clearing session and doing a drupal goto // back to the base URL. if (isset($input['op']) && $input['op'] == t('Reset')) { unset($_SESSION['ctools_export_ui'][$this->plugin['name']]); if (!$js) { drupal_goto($_GET['q']); } // clear everything but form id, form build id and form token: $keys = array_keys($input); foreach ($keys as $id) { if (!in_array($id, array('form_id', 'form_build_id', 'form_token'))) { unset($input[$id]); } } $replace_form = TRUE; } // If there is no input, check to see if we have stored input in the // session. if (!isset($input['form_id'])) { if (isset($_SESSION['ctools_export_ui'][$this->plugin['name']]) && is_array($_SESSION['ctools_export_ui'][$this->plugin['name']])) { $input = $_SESSION['ctools_export_ui'][$this->plugin['name']]; } } else { $_SESSION['ctools_export_ui'][$this->plugin['name']] = $input; unset($_SESSION['ctools_export_ui'][$this->plugin['name']]['q']); } // This is where the form will put the output. $this->rows = array(); $this->sorts = array(); $form_state = array( 'plugin' => $this->plugin, 'input' => $input, 'rerender' => TRUE, 'no_redirect' => TRUE, 'object' => &$this, ); if (!isset($form_state['input']['form_id'])) { $form_state['input']['form_id'] = 'ctools_export_ui_list_form'; } // If we do any form rendering, it's to completely replace a form on the // page, so don't let it force our ids to change. if ($js && isset($_POST['ajax_html_ids'])) { unset($_POST['ajax_html_ids']); } $form = drupal_build_form('ctools_export_ui_list_form', $form_state); $form = drupal_render($form); $output = $this->list_header($form_state) . $this->list_render($form_state) . $this->list_footer($form_state); if (!$js) { $this->list_css(); return $form . $output; } $commands = array(); $commands[] = ajax_command_replace('#ctools-export-ui-list-items', $output); if (!empty($replace_form)) { $commands[] = ajax_command_replace('#ctools-export-ui-list-form', $form); } print ajax_render($commands); ajax_footer(); } /** * Create the filter/sort form at the top of a list of exports. * * This handles the very default conditions, and most lists are expected * to override this and call through to parent::list_form() in order to * get the base form and then modify it as necessary to add search * gadgets for custom fields. */ function list_form(&$form, &$form_state) { // This forces the form to *always* treat as submitted which is // necessary to make it work. $form['#token'] = FALSE; if (empty($form_state['input'])) { $form["#post"] = TRUE; } // Add the 'q' in if we are not using clean URLs or it can get lost when // using this kind of form. if (!variable_get('clean_url', FALSE)) { $form['q'] = array( '#type' => 'hidden', '#value' => $_GET['q'], ); } $all = array('all' => t('- All -')); $form['top row'] = array( '#prefix' => '<div class="ctools-export-ui-row ctools-export-ui-top-row clearfix">', '#suffix' => '</div>', ); $form['bottom row'] = array( '#prefix' => '<div class="ctools-export-ui-row ctools-export-ui-bottom-row clearfix">', '#suffix' => '</div>', ); $form['top row']['storage'] = array( '#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Storage'), '#options' => $all + array( t('Normal') => t('Normal'), t('Default') => t('Default'), t('Overridden') => t('Overridden'), ), '#default_value' => 'all', ); $form['top row']['disabled'] = array( '#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Enabled'), '#options' => $all + array( '0' => t('Enabled'), '1' => t('Disabled') ), '#default_value' => 'all', ); $form['top row']['search'] = array( '#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => t('Search'), ); $form['bottom row']['order'] = array( '#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Sort by'), '#options' => $this->list_sort_options(), '#default_value' => 'disabled', ); $form['bottom row']['sort'] = array( '#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Order'), '#options' => array( 'asc' => t('Up'), 'desc' => t('Down'), ), '#default_value' => 'asc', ); $form['bottom row']['submit'] = array( '#type' => 'submit', '#id' => 'ctools-export-ui-list-items-apply', '#value' => t('Apply'), '#attributes' => array('class' => array('use-ajax-submit ctools-auto-submit-click')), ); $form['bottom row']['reset'] = array( '#type' => 'submit', '#id' => 'ctools-export-ui-list-items-apply', '#value' => t('Reset'), '#attributes' => array('class' => array('use-ajax-submit')), ); $form['#prefix'] = '<div class="clearfix">'; $form['#suffix'] = '</div>'; $form['#attached']['js'] = array(ctools_attach_js('auto-submit')); $form['#attached']['library'][] = array('system', 'drupal.ajax'); $form['#attached']['library'][] = array('system', 'jquery.form'); $form['#attributes'] = array('class' => array('ctools-auto-submit-full-form')); } /** * Validate the filter/sort form. * * It is very rare that a filter form needs validation, but if it is * needed, override this. */ function list_form_validate(&$form, &$form_state) { } /** * Submit the filter/sort form. * * This submit handler is actually responsible for building up all of the * rows that will later be rendered, since it is doing the filtering and * sorting. * * For the most part, you should not need to override this method, as the * fiddly bits call through to other functions. */ function list_form_submit(&$form, &$form_state) { // Filter and re-sort the pages. $plugin = $this->plugin; $prefix = ctools_export_ui_plugin_base_path($plugin); foreach ($this->items as $name => $item) { // Call through to the filter and see if we're going to render this // row. If it returns TRUE, then this row is filtered out. if ($this->list_filter($form_state, $item)) { continue; } $operations = $this->build_operations($item); $this->list_build_row($item, $form_state, $operations); } // Now actually sort if ($form_state['values']['sort'] == 'desc') { arsort($this->sorts); } else { asort($this->sorts); } // Nuke the original. $rows = $this->rows; $this->rows = array(); // And restore. foreach ($this->sorts as $name => $title) { $this->rows[$name] = $rows[$name]; } } /** * Determine if a row should be filtered out. * * This handles the default filters for the export UI list form. If you * added additional filters in list_form() then this is where you should * handle them. * * @return * TRUE if the item should be excluded. */ function list_filter($form_state, $item) { $schema = ctools_export_get_schema($this->plugin['schema']); if ($form_state['values']['storage'] != 'all' && $form_state['values']['storage'] != $item->{$schema['export']['export type string']}) { return TRUE; } if ($form_state['values']['disabled'] != 'all' && $form_state['values']['disabled'] != !empty($item->disabled)) { return TRUE; } if ($form_state['values']['search']) { $search = strtolower($form_state['values']['search']); foreach ($this->list_search_fields() as $field) { if (strpos(strtolower($item->$field), $search) !== FALSE) { $hit = TRUE; break; } } if (empty($hit)) { return TRUE; } } } /** * Provide a list of fields to test against for the default "search" widget. * * This widget will search against whatever fields are configured here. By * default it will attempt to search against the name, title and description fields. */ function list_search_fields() { $fields = array( $this->plugin['export']['key'], ); if (!empty($this->plugin['export']['admin_title'])) { $fields[] = $this->plugin['export']['admin_title']; } if (!empty($this->plugin['export']['admin_description'])) { $fields[] = $this->plugin['export']['admin_description']; } return $fields; } /** * Provide a list of sort options. * * Override this if you wish to provide more or change how these work. * The actual handling of the sorting will happen in build_row(). */ function list_sort_options() { if (!empty($this->plugin['export']['admin_title'])) { $options = array( 'disabled' => t('Enabled, title'), $this->plugin['export']['admin_title'] => t('Title'), ); } else { $options = array( 'disabled' => t('Enabled, name'), ); } $options += array( 'name' => t('Name'), 'storage' => t('Storage'), ); return $options; } /** * Add listing CSS to the page. * * Override this if you need custom CSS for your list. */ function list_css() { ctools_add_css('export-ui-list'); } /** * Builds the operation links for a specific exportable item. */ function build_operations($item) { $plugin = $this->plugin; $schema = ctools_export_get_schema($plugin['schema']); $operations = $plugin['allowed operations']; $operations['import'] = FALSE; if ($item->{$schema['export']['export type string']} == t('Normal')) { $operations['revert'] = FALSE; } elseif ($item->{$schema['export']['export type string']} == t('Overridden')) { $operations['delete'] = FALSE; } else { $operations['revert'] = FALSE; $operations['delete'] = FALSE; } if (empty($item->disabled)) { $operations['enable'] = FALSE; } else { $operations['disable'] = FALSE; } $allowed_operations = array(); foreach ($operations as $op => $info) { if (!empty($info)) { $allowed_operations[$op] = array( 'title' => $info['title'], 'href' => ctools_export_ui_plugin_menu_path($plugin, $op, $item->{$this->plugin['export']['key']}), ); if (!empty($info['ajax'])) { $allowed_operations[$op]['attributes'] = array('class' => array('use-ajax')); } if (!empty($info['token'])) { $allowed_operations[$op]['query'] = array('token' => drupal_get_token($op)); } } } return $allowed_operations; } /** * Build a row based on the item. * * By default all of the rows are placed into a table by the render * method, so this is building up a row suitable for theme('table'). * This doesn't have to be true if you override both. */ function list_build_row($item, &$form_state, $operations) { // Set up sorting $name = $item->{$this->plugin['export']['key']}; $schema = ctools_export_get_schema($this->plugin['schema']); // Note: $item->{$schema['export']['export type string']} should have already been set up by so // we can use it safely. switch ($form_state['values']['order']) { case 'disabled': $this->sorts[$name] = empty($item->disabled) . $name; break; case 'title': $this->sorts[$name] = $item->{$this->plugin['export']['admin_title']}; break; case 'name': $this->sorts[$name] = $name; break; case 'storage': $this->sorts[$name] = $item->{$schema['export']['export type string']} . $name; break; } $this->rows[$name]['data'] = array(); $this->rows[$name]['class'] = !empty($item->disabled) ? array('ctools-export-ui-disabled') : array('ctools-export-ui-enabled'); // If we have an admin title, make it the first row. if (!empty($this->plugin['export']['admin_title'])) { $this->rows[$name]['data'][] = array('data' => check_plain($item->{$this->plugin['export']['admin_title']}), 'class' => array('ctools-export-ui-title')); } $this->rows[$name]['data'][] = array('data' => check_plain($name), 'class' => array('ctools-export-ui-name')); $this->rows[$name]['data'][] = array('data' => check_plain($item->{$schema['export']['export type string']}), 'class' => array('ctools-export-ui-storage')); $ops = theme('links__ctools_dropbutton', array('links' => $operations, 'attributes' => array('class' => array('links', 'inline')))); $this->rows[$name]['data'][] = array('data' => $ops, 'class' => array('ctools-export-ui-operations')); // Add an automatic mouseover of the description if one exists. if (!empty($this->plugin['export']['admin_description'])) { $this->rows[$name]['title'] = $item->{$this->plugin['export']['admin_description']}; } } /** * Provide the table header. * * If you've added columns via list_build_row() but are still using a * table, override this method to set up the table header. */ function list_table_header() { $header = array(); if (!empty($this->plugin['export']['admin_title'])) { $header[] = array('data' => t('Title'), 'class' => array('ctools-export-ui-title')); } $header[] = array('data' => t('Name'), 'class' => array('ctools-export-ui-name')); $header[] = array('data' => t('Storage'), 'class' => array('ctools-export-ui-storage')); $header[] = array('data' => t('Operations'), 'class' => array('ctools-export-ui-operations')); return $header; } /** * Render all of the rows together. * * By default we place all of the rows in a table, and this should be the * way most lists will go. * * Whatever you do if this method is overridden, the ID is important for AJAX * so be sure it exists. */ function list_render(&$form_state) { $table = array( 'header' => $this->list_table_header(), 'rows' => $this->rows, 'attributes' => array('id' => 'ctools-export-ui-list-items'), 'empty' => $this->plugin['strings']['message']['no items'], ); return theme('table', $table); } /** * Render a header to go before the list. * * This will appear after the filter/sort widgets. */ function list_header($form_state) { } /** * Render a footer to go after thie list. * * This is a good place to add additional links. */ function list_footer($form_state) { } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // These methods are the API for adding/editing exportable items /** * Perform a drupal_goto() to the location provided by the plugin for the * operation. * * @param $op * The operation to use. A string must exist in $this->plugin['redirect'] * for this operation. * @param $item * The item in use; this may be necessary as item IDs are often embedded in * redirects. */ function redirect($op, $item = NULL) { if (isset($this->plugin['redirect'][$op])) { $destination = (array) $this->plugin['redirect'][$op]; if ($item) { $export_key = $this->plugin['export']['key']; $destination[0] = str_replace('%ctools_export_ui', $item->{$export_key}, $destination[0]); } call_user_func_array('drupal_goto', $destination); } else { // If the operation isn't set, fall back to the plugin's base path. drupal_goto(ctools_export_ui_plugin_base_path($this->plugin)); } } function add_page($js, $input, $step = NULL) { drupal_set_title($this->get_page_title('add'), PASS_THROUGH); // If a step not set, they are trying to create a new item. If a step // is set, they're in the process of creating an item. if (!empty($this->plugin['use wizard']) && !empty($step)) { $item = $this->edit_cache_get(NULL, 'add'); } if (empty($item)) { $item = ctools_export_crud_new($this->plugin['schema']); } $form_state = array( 'plugin' => $this->plugin, 'object' => &$this, 'ajax' => $js, 'item' => $item, 'op' => 'add', 'form type' => 'add', 'rerender' => TRUE, 'no_redirect' => TRUE, 'step' => $step, // Store these in case additional args are needed. 'function args' => func_get_args(), ); $output = $this->edit_execute_form($form_state); if (!empty($form_state['executed']) && empty($form_state['rebuild'])) { $this->redirect($form_state['op'], $form_state['item']); } return $output; } /** * Main entry point to edit an item. */ function edit_page($js, $input, $item, $step = NULL) { drupal_set_title($this->get_page_title('edit', $item), PASS_THROUGH); // Check to see if there is a cached item to get if we're using the wizard. if (!empty($this->plugin['use wizard'])) { $cached = $this->edit_cache_get($item, 'edit'); if (!empty($cached)) { $item = $cached; } } $form_state = array( 'plugin' => $this->plugin, 'object' => &$this, 'ajax' => $js, 'item' => $item, 'op' => 'edit', 'form type' => 'edit', 'rerender' => TRUE, 'no_redirect' => TRUE, 'step' => $step, // Store these in case additional args are needed. 'function args' => func_get_args(), ); $output = $this->edit_execute_form($form_state); if (!empty($form_state['executed']) && empty($form_state['rebuild'])) { $this->redirect($form_state['op'], $form_state['item']); } return $output; } /** * Main entry point to clone an item. */ function clone_page($js, $input, $original, $step = NULL) { drupal_set_title($this->get_page_title('clone', $original), PASS_THROUGH); // If a step not set, they are trying to create a new clone. If a step // is set, they're in the process of cloning an item. if (!empty($this->plugin['use wizard']) && !empty($step)) { $item = $this->edit_cache_get(NULL, 'clone'); } if (empty($item)) { // To make a clone of an item, we first export it and then re-import it. // Export the handler, which is a fantastic way to clean database IDs out of it. $export = ctools_export_crud_export($this->plugin['schema'], $original); $item = ctools_export_crud_import($this->plugin['schema'], $export); if (!empty($input[$this->plugin['export']['key']])) { $item->{$this->plugin['export']['key']} = $input[$this->plugin['export']['key']]; } else { $item->{$this->plugin['export']['key']} = 'clone_of_' . $item->{$this->plugin['export']['key']}; } } // Tabs and breadcrumb disappearing, this helps alleviate through cheating. // ...not sure this this is the best way. $trail = menu_set_active_item(ctools_export_ui_plugin_base_path($this->plugin)); $name = $original->{$this->plugin['export']['key']}; $form_state = array( 'plugin' => $this->plugin, 'object' => &$this, 'ajax' => $js, 'item' => $item, 'op' => 'add', 'form type' => 'clone', 'original name' => $name, 'rerender' => TRUE, 'no_redirect' => TRUE, 'step' => $step, // Store these in case additional args are needed. 'function args' => func_get_args(), ); $output = $this->edit_execute_form($form_state); if (!empty($form_state['executed']) && empty($form_state['rebuild'])) { $this->redirect($form_state['op'], $form_state['item']); } return $output; } /** * Execute the form. * * Add and Edit both funnel into this, but they have a few different * settings. */ function edit_execute_form(&$form_state) { if (!empty($this->plugin['use wizard'])) { return $this->edit_execute_form_wizard($form_state); } else { return $this->edit_execute_form_standard($form_state); } } /** * Execute the standard form for editing. * * By default, export UI will provide a single form for editing an object. */ function edit_execute_form_standard(&$form_state) { $output = drupal_build_form('ctools_export_ui_edit_item_form', $form_state); if (!empty($form_state['executed']) && empty($form_state['rebuild'])) { $this->edit_save_form($form_state); } return $output; } /** * Get the form info for the wizard. * * This gets the form info out of the plugin, then adds defaults based on * how we want edit forms to work. * * Overriding this can allow child UIs to tweak this info for specialized * wizards. * * @param array $form_state * The already created form state. */ function get_wizard_info(&$form_state) { if (!isset($form_state['step'])) { $form_state['step'] = NULL; } $export_key = $this->plugin['export']['key']; // When cloning, the name of the item being cloned is referenced in the // path, not the name of this item. if ($form_state['form type'] == 'clone') { $name = $form_state['original name']; } else { $name = $form_state['item']->{$export_key}; } $form_info = !empty($this->plugin['form info']) ? $this->plugin['form info'] : array(); $form_info += array( 'id' => 'ctools_export_ui_edit', 'path' => ctools_export_ui_plugin_menu_path($this->plugin, $form_state['form type'], $name) . '/%step', 'show trail' => TRUE, 'free trail' => TRUE, 'show back' => $form_state['form type'] == 'add', 'show return' => FALSE, 'show cancel' => TRUE, 'finish callback' => 'ctools_export_ui_wizard_finish', 'next callback' => 'ctools_export_ui_wizard_next', 'back callback' => 'ctools_export_ui_wizard_back', 'cancel callback' => 'ctools_export_ui_wizard_cancel', 'order' => array(), 'import order' => array( 'import' => t('Import code'), 'settings' => t('Settings'), ), ); // Set the order of forms based on the op if we have a specific one. if (isset($form_info[$form_state['form type'] . ' order'])) { $form_info['order'] = $form_info[$form_state['form type'] . ' order']; } // We have generic fallback forms we can use if they are not specified, // and they automatically delegate back to the UI object. Use these if // not specified. foreach ($form_info['order'] as $key => $title) { if (empty($form_info['forms'][$key])) { $form_info['forms'][$key] = array( 'form id' => 'ctools_export_ui_edit_item_wizard_form', ); } } // 'free trail' means the wizard can freely go back and form from item // via the trail and not with next/back buttons. if ($form_state['form type'] == 'add' || ($form_state['form type'] == 'import' && empty($form_state['item']->{$export_key}))) { $form_info['free trail'] = FALSE; } return $form_info; } /** * Execute the wizard for editing. * * For complex objects, sometimes a wizard is needed. This is normally * activated by setting 'use wizard' => TRUE in the plugin definition * and then creating a 'form info' array to feed the wizard the data * it needs. * * When creating this wizard, the plugin is responsible for defining all forms * that will be utilized with the wizard. * * Using 'add order' or 'edit order' can be used to ensure that add/edit order * is different. */ function edit_execute_form_wizard(&$form_state) { $form_info = $this->get_wizard_info($form_state); // If there aren't any forms set, fail. if (empty($form_info['order'])) { return MENU_NOT_FOUND; } // Figure out if this is a new instance of the wizard if (empty($form_state['step'])) { $order = array_keys($form_info['order']); $form_state['step'] = reset($order); } if (empty($form_info['order'][$form_state['step']]) && empty($form_info['forms'][$form_state['step']])) { return MENU_NOT_FOUND; } ctools_include('wizard'); $output = ctools_wizard_multistep_form($form_info, $form_state['step'], $form_state); if (!empty($form_state['complete'])) { $this->edit_save_form($form_state); } else if ($output && !empty($form_state['item']->export_ui_item_is_cached)) { // @todo this should be in the plugin strings drupal_set_message(t('You have unsaved changes. These changes will not be made permanent until you click <em>Save</em>.'), 'warning'); } // Unset the executed flag if any non-wizard button was pressed. Those // buttons require special handling by whatever client is operating them. if (!empty($form_state['executed']) && empty($form_state['clicked_button']['#wizard type'])) { unset($form_state['executed']); } return $output; } /** * Wizard 'back' callback when using a wizard to edit an item. * * The wizard callback delegates this back to the object. */ function edit_wizard_back(&$form_state) { // This only exists so child implementations can use it. } /** * Wizard 'next' callback when using a wizard to edit an item. * * The wizard callback delegates this back to the object. */ function edit_wizard_next(&$form_state) { $this->edit_cache_set($form_state['item'], $form_state['form type']); } /** * Wizard 'cancel' callback when using a wizard to edit an item. * * The wizard callback delegates this back to the object. */ function edit_wizard_cancel(&$form_state) { $this->edit_cache_clear($form_state['item'], $form_state['form type']); } /** * Wizard 'cancel' callback when using a wizard to edit an item. * * The wizard callback delegates this back to the object. */ function edit_wizard_finish(&$form_state) { $form_state['complete'] = TRUE; // If we are importing, and overwrite was selected, delete the original so // that this one writes properly. if ($form_state['form type'] == 'import' && !empty($form_state['item']->export_ui_allow_overwrite)) { ctools_export_crud_delete($this->plugin['schema'], $form_state['item']); } $this->edit_cache_clear($form_state['item'], $form_state['form type']); } /** * Retrieve the item currently being edited from the object cache. */ function edit_cache_get($item, $op = 'edit') { ctools_include('object-cache'); if (is_string($item)) { $name = $item; } else { $name = $this->edit_cache_get_key($item, $op); } $cache = ctools_object_cache_get('ctui_' . $this->plugin['name'], $name); if ($cache) { $cache->export_ui_item_is_cached = TRUE; return $cache; } } /** * Cache the item currently currently being edited. */ function edit_cache_set($item, $op = 'edit') { ctools_include('object-cache'); $name = $this->edit_cache_get_key($item, $op); return $this->edit_cache_set_key($item, $name); } function edit_cache_set_key($item, $name) { return ctools_object_cache_set('ctui_' . $this->plugin['name'], $name, $item); } /** * Clear the object cache for the currently edited item. */ function edit_cache_clear($item, $op = 'edit') { ctools_include('object-cache'); $name = $this->edit_cache_get_key($item, $op); return ctools_object_cache_clear('ctui_' . $this->plugin['name'], $name); } /** * Figure out what the cache key is for this object. */ function edit_cache_get_key($item, $op) { $export_key = $this->plugin['export']['key']; return $op == 'edit' ? $item->{$this->plugin['export']['key']} : "::$op"; } /** * Called to save the final product from the edit form. */ function edit_save_form($form_state) { $item = &$form_state['item']; $export_key = $this->plugin['export']['key']; $result = ctools_export_crud_save($this->plugin['schema'], $item); if ($result) { $message = str_replace('%title', check_plain($item->{$export_key}), $this->plugin['strings']['confirmation'][$form_state['op']]['success']); drupal_set_message($message); } else { $message = str_replace('%title', check_plain($item->{$export_key}), $this->plugin['strings']['confirmation'][$form_state['op']]['fail']); drupal_set_message($message, 'error'); } } /** * Provide the actual editing form. */ function edit_form(&$form, &$form_state) { $export_key = $this->plugin['export']['key']; $item = $form_state['item']; $schema = ctools_export_get_schema($this->plugin['schema']); if (!empty($this->plugin['export']['admin_title'])) { $form['info'][$this->plugin['export']['admin_title']] = array( '#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => t('Administrative title'), '#description' => t('This will appear in the administrative interface to easily identify it.'), '#default_value' => $item->{$this->plugin['export']['admin_title']}, ); } $form['info'][$export_key] = array( '#title' => t($schema['export']['key name']), '#type' => 'textfield', '#default_value' => $item->{$export_key}, '#description' => t('The unique ID for this @export.', array('@export' => $this->plugin['title singular'])), '#required' => TRUE, '#maxlength' => 255, ); if (!empty($this->plugin['export']['admin_title'])) { $form['info'][$export_key]['#type'] = 'machine_name'; $form['info'][$export_key]['#machine_name'] = array( 'exists' => 'ctools_export_ui_edit_name_exists', 'source' => array('info', $this->plugin['export']['admin_title']), ); } if ($form_state['op'] === 'edit') { $form['info'][$export_key]['#disabled'] = TRUE; $form['info'][$export_key]['#value'] = $item->{$export_key}; } if (!empty($this->plugin['export']['admin_description'])) { $form['info'][$this->plugin['export']['admin_description']] = array( '#type' => 'textarea', '#title' => t('Administrative description'), '#default_value' => $item->{$this->plugin['export']['admin_description']}, ); } // Add plugin's form definitions. if (!empty($this->plugin['form']['settings'])) { // Pass $form by reference. $this->plugin['form']['settings']($form, $form_state); } // Add the buttons if the wizard is not in use. if (empty($form_state['form_info'])) { // Make sure that whatever happens, the buttons go to the bottom. $form['buttons']['#weight'] = 100; // Add buttons. $form['buttons']['submit'] = array( '#type' => 'submit', '#value' => t('Save'), ); $form['buttons']['delete'] = array( '#type' => 'submit', '#value' => $item->export_type & EXPORT_IN_CODE ? t('Revert') : t('Delete'), '#access' => $form_state['op'] === 'edit' && $item->export_type & EXPORT_IN_DATABASE, '#submit' => array('ctools_export_ui_edit_item_form_delete'), ); } } /** * Validate callback for the edit form. */ function edit_form_validate(&$form, &$form_state) { if (!empty($this->plugin['form']['validate'])) { // Pass $form by reference. $this->plugin['form']['validate']($form, $form_state); } } /** * Perform a final validation check before allowing the form to be * finished. */ function edit_finish_validate(&$form, &$form_state) { if ($form_state['op'] != 'edit') { // Validate the export key. Fake an element for form_error(). $export_key = $this->plugin['export']['key']; $element = array( '#value' => $form_state['item']->{$export_key}, '#parents' => array($export_key), ); $form_state['plugin'] = $this->plugin; ctools_export_ui_edit_name_validate($element, $form_state); } } /** * Handle the submission of the edit form. * * At this point, submission is successful. Our only responsibility is * to copy anything out of values onto the item that we are able to edit. * * If the keys all match up to the schema, this method will not need to be * overridden. */ function edit_form_submit(&$form, &$form_state) { if (!empty($this->plugin['form']['submit'])) { // Pass $form by reference. $this->plugin['form']['submit']($form, $form_state); } // Transfer data from the form to the $item based upon schema values. $schema = ctools_export_get_schema($this->plugin['schema']); foreach (array_keys($schema['fields']) as $key) { if(isset($form_state['values'][$key])) { $form_state['item']->{$key} = $form_state['values'][$key]; } } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // These methods are the API for 'other' stuff with exportables such as // enable, disable, import, export, delete /** * Callback to enable a page. */ function enable_page($js, $input, $item) { return $this->set_item_state(FALSE, $js, $input, $item); } /** * Callback to disable a page. */ function disable_page($js, $input, $item) { return $this->set_item_state(TRUE, $js, $input, $item); } /** * Set an item's state to enabled or disabled and output to user. * * If javascript is in use, this will rebuild the list and send that back * as though the filter form had been executed. */ function set_item_state($state, $js, $input, $item) { ctools_export_crud_set_status($this->plugin['schema'], $item, $state); if (!$js) { drupal_goto(ctools_export_ui_plugin_base_path($this->plugin)); } else { return $this->list_page($js, $input); } } /** * Page callback to delete an exportable item. */ function delete_page($js, $input, $item) { $form_state = array( 'plugin' => $this->plugin, 'object' => &$this, 'ajax' => $js, 'item' => $item, 'op' => $item->export_type & EXPORT_IN_CODE ? 'revert' : 'delete', 'rerender' => TRUE, 'no_redirect' => TRUE, ); $output = drupal_build_form('ctools_export_ui_delete_confirm_form', $form_state); if (!empty($form_state['executed'])) { $this->delete_form_submit($form_state); $this->redirect($form_state['op'], $item); } return $output; } /** * Deletes exportable items from the database. */ function delete_form_submit(&$form_state) { $item = $form_state['item']; ctools_export_crud_delete($this->plugin['schema'], $item); $export_key = $this->plugin['export']['key']; $message = str_replace('%title', check_plain($item->{$export_key}), $this->plugin['strings']['confirmation'][$form_state['op']]['success']); drupal_set_message($message); } /** * Page callback to display export information for an exportable item. */ function export_page($js, $input, $item) { drupal_set_title($this->get_page_title('export', $item), PASS_THROUGH); return drupal_get_form('ctools_export_form', ctools_export_crud_export($this->plugin['schema'], $item), t('Export')); } /** * Page callback to import information for an exportable item. */ function import_page($js, $input, $step = NULL) { drupal_set_title($this->get_page_title('import'), PASS_THROUGH); // Import is basically a multi step wizard form, so let's go ahead and // use CTools' for it. // If a step not set, they are trying to create a new item. If a step // is set, they're in the process of creating an item. if (!empty($step)) { $item = $this->edit_cache_get(NULL, 'import'); } if (empty($item)) { $item = ctools_export_crud_new($this->plugin['schema']); } $form_state = array( 'plugin' => $this->plugin, 'object' => &$this, 'ajax' => $js, 'item' => $item, 'op' => 'add', 'form type' => 'import', 'rerender' => TRUE, 'no_redirect' => TRUE, 'step' => $step, // Store these in case additional args are needed. 'function args' => func_get_args(), ); // import always uses the wizard. $output = $this->edit_execute_form_wizard($form_state); if (!empty($form_state['executed'])) { $this->redirect($form_state['op'], $form_state['item']); } return $output; } /** * Import form. Provides simple helptext instructions and textarea for * pasting a export definition. */ function edit_form_import(&$form, &$form_state) { $form['help'] = array( '#type' => 'item', '#value' => $this->plugin['strings']['help']['import'], ); $form['import'] = array( '#title' => t('@plugin code', array('@plugin' => $this->plugin['title singular proper'])), '#type' => 'textarea', '#rows' => 10, '#required' => TRUE, '#default_value' => !empty($form_state['item']->export_ui_code) ? $form_state['item']->export_ui_code : '', ); $form['overwrite'] = array( '#title' => t('Allow import to overwrite an existing record.'), '#type' => 'checkbox', '#default_value' => !empty($form_state['item']->export_ui_allow_overwrite) ? $form_state['item']->export_ui_allow_overwrite : FALSE, ); } /** * Import form validate handler. * * Evaluates code and make sure it creates an object before we continue. */ function edit_form_import_validate($form, &$form_state) { $item = ctools_export_crud_import($this->plugin['schema'], $form_state['values']['import']); if (is_string($item)) { form_error($form['import'], t('Unable to get an import from the code. Errors reported: @errors', array('@errors' => $item))); return; } $form_state['item'] = $item; $form_state['item']->export_ui_allow_overwrite = $form_state['values']['overwrite']; $form_state['item']->export_ui_code = $form_state['values']['import']; } /** * Submit callback for import form. * * Stores the item in the session. */ function edit_form_import_submit($form, &$form_state) { // The validate function already imported and stored the item. This // function exists simply to prevent it from going to the default // edit_form_submit() method. } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Forms to be used with this class. // // Since Drupal's forms are completely procedural, these forms will // mostly just be pass-throughs back to the object. /** * Add all appropriate includes to forms so that caching the form * still loads the files that we need. */ function _ctools_export_ui_add_form_files($form, &$form_state) { ctools_form_include($form_state, 'export'); ctools_form_include($form_state, 'export-ui'); // Also make sure the plugin .inc file is loaded. ctools_form_include_file($form_state, $form_state['object']->plugin['path'] . '/' . $form_state['object']->plugin['file']); } /** * Form callback to handle the filter/sort form when listing items. * * This simply loads the object defined in the plugin and hands it off. */ function ctools_export_ui_list_form($form, &$form_state) { $form_state['object']->list_form($form, $form_state); return $form; } /** * Validate handler for ctools_export_ui_list_form. */ function ctools_export_ui_list_form_validate(&$form, &$form_state) { $form_state['object']->list_form_validate($form, $form_state); } /** * Submit handler for ctools_export_ui_list_form. */ function ctools_export_ui_list_form_submit(&$form, &$form_state) { $form_state['object']->list_form_submit($form, $form_state); } /** * Form callback to edit an exportable item. * * This simply loads the object defined in the plugin and hands it off. */ function ctools_export_ui_edit_item_form($form, &$form_state) { // When called using #ajax via ajax_form_callback(), 'export' may // not be included so include it here. _ctools_export_ui_add_form_files($form, $form_state); $form_state['object']->edit_form($form, $form_state); return $form; } /** * Validate handler for ctools_export_ui_edit_item_form. */ function ctools_export_ui_edit_item_form_validate(&$form, &$form_state) { $form_state['object']->edit_form_validate($form, $form_state); } /** * Submit handler for ctools_export_ui_edit_item_form. */ function ctools_export_ui_edit_item_form_submit(&$form, &$form_state) { $form_state['object']->edit_form_submit($form, $form_state); } /** * Submit handler to delete for ctools_export_ui_edit_item_form * * @todo Put this on a callback in the object. */ function ctools_export_ui_edit_item_form_delete(&$form, &$form_state) { _ctools_export_ui_add_form_files($form, $form_state); $export_key = $form_state['plugin']['export']['key']; $path = $form_state['item']->export_type & EXPORT_IN_CODE ? 'revert' : 'delete'; drupal_goto(ctools_export_ui_plugin_menu_path($form_state['plugin'], $path, $form_state['item']->{$export_key}), array('cancel_path' => $_GET['q'])); } /** * Validate that an export item name is acceptable and unique during add. */ function ctools_export_ui_edit_name_validate($element, &$form_state) { $plugin = $form_state['plugin']; // Check for string identifier sanity if (!preg_match('!^[a-z0-9_]+$!', $element['#value'])) { form_error($element, t('The export id can only consist of lowercase letters, underscores, and numbers.')); return; } // Check for name collision if (empty($form_state['item']->export_ui_allow_overwrite) && $exists = ctools_export_crud_load($plugin['schema'], $element['#value'])) { form_error($element, t('A @plugin with this name already exists. Please choose another name or delete the existing item before creating a new one.', array('@plugin' => $plugin['title singular']))); } } /** * Test for #machine_name type to see if an export exists. */ function ctools_export_ui_edit_name_exists($name, $element, &$form_state) { $plugin = $form_state['plugin']; return (empty($form_state['item']->export_ui_allow_overwrite) && ctools_export_crud_load($plugin['schema'], $name)); } /** * Delete/Revert confirm form. * * @todo -- call back into the object instead. */ function ctools_export_ui_delete_confirm_form($form, &$form_state) { _ctools_export_ui_add_form_files($form, $form_state); $plugin = $form_state['plugin']; $item = $form_state['item']; $form = array(); $export_key = $plugin['export']['key']; $question = str_replace('%title', check_plain($item->{$export_key}), $plugin['strings']['confirmation'][$form_state['op']]['question']); $path = (!empty($_REQUEST['cancel_path']) && !url_is_external($_REQUEST['cancel_path'])) ? $_REQUEST['cancel_path'] : ctools_export_ui_plugin_base_path($plugin); $form = confirm_form($form, $question, $path, $plugin['strings']['confirmation'][$form_state['op']]['information'], $plugin['allowed operations'][$form_state['op']]['title'], t('Cancel') ); return $form; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Forms and callbacks for using the edit system with the wizard. /** * Form callback to edit an exportable item using the wizard * * This simply loads the object defined in the plugin and hands it off. */ function ctools_export_ui_edit_item_wizard_form($form, &$form_state) { _ctools_export_ui_add_form_files($form, $form_state); $method = 'edit_form_' . $form_state['step']; if (!method_exists($form_state['object'], $method)) { $method = 'edit_form'; } $form_state['object']->$method($form, $form_state); return $form; } /** * Validate handler for ctools_export_ui_edit_item_wizard_form. */ function ctools_export_ui_edit_item_wizard_form_validate(&$form, &$form_state) { $method = 'edit_form_' . $form_state['step'] . '_validate'; if (!method_exists($form_state['object'], $method)) { $method = 'edit_form_validate'; } $form_state['object']->$method($form, $form_state); // Additionally, if there were no errors from that, and we're finishing, // perform a final validate to make sure everything is ok. if (isset($form_state['clicked_button']['#wizard type']) && $form_state['clicked_button']['#wizard type'] == 'finish' && !form_get_errors()) { $form_state['object']->edit_finish_validate($form, $form_state); } } /** * Submit handler for ctools_export_ui_edit_item_wizard_form. */ function ctools_export_ui_edit_item_wizard_form_submit(&$form, &$form_state) { $method = 'edit_form_' . $form_state['step'] . '_submit'; if (!method_exists($form_state['object'], $method)) { $method = 'edit_form_submit'; } $form_state['object']->$method($form, $form_state); } /** * Wizard 'back' callback when using a wizard to edit an item. */ function ctools_export_ui_wizard_back(&$form_state) { $form_state['object']->edit_wizard_back($form_state); } /** * Wizard 'next' callback when using a wizard to edit an item. */ function ctools_export_ui_wizard_next(&$form_state) { $form_state['object']->edit_wizard_next($form_state); } /** * Wizard 'cancel' callback when using a wizard to edit an item. */ function ctools_export_ui_wizard_cancel(&$form_state) { $form_state['object']->edit_wizard_cancel($form_state); } /** * Wizard 'finish' callback when using a wizard to edit an item. */ function ctools_export_ui_wizard_finish(&$form_state) { $form_state['object']->edit_wizard_finish($form_state); }